“Now to HIM WHO IS ABLE to do ABOVE and BEYOND all that we ASK or THINK according to the power that works in us - TO HIM BE GLORY in the church and in Christ Jesus to ALL GENERATIONS, forever and ever. Amen.”
- Ephesians 3:20-21 (CSB)
A Message from Pastor Tim O'Carroll
The Lord spoke clearly to me through that passage in Ephesians 16 years ago when He confirmed my call to start a new church on the Treasure Coast. I knew then what I still know now: that the start and sustainability of Discovery Church would only be by God’s goodness and grace. What the Lord had called me to, He would supply my every need because He is able.
When it was time to buy land and build, I knew then what I still know now: that what was far above and beyond all that I was asking and thinking, He was able, and that He must get the glory.