“Now to HIM WHO IS ABLE to do ABOVE and BEYOND all that we ASK or THINK according to the power that works in us - TO HIM BE GLORY in the church and in Christ Jesus to ALL GENERATIONS, forever and ever. Amen.”  

- Ephesians 3:20-21 (CSB)

A Message from Pastor Tim O'Carroll

The Lord spoke clearly to me through that passage in Ephesians 16 years ago when He confirmed my call to start a new church on the Treasure Coast. I knew then what I still know now: that the start and sustainability of Discovery Church would only be by God’s goodness and grace. What the Lord had called me to, He would supply my every need because He is able.

When it was time to buy land and build, I knew then what I still know now: that what was far above and beyond all that I was asking and thinking, He was able, and that He must get the glory.
Today, I get to lead a multi-generational church that is making disciples in our neighborhood and throughout the nations. I get to serve alongside many local non-profits, meeting both the tangible and spiritual needs of people, and supporting Kingdom works that stretch to all nations.

And I still believe the best is yet to come...

Our Story

Our story looks different from most churches. However, our mission has been and will always be the same:

"To lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus."
We are preparing to launch a second Gospel work in North Fort Pierce that will serve the people of South Vero Beach, Lakewood Park, North Hutchinson Island, and North Fort Pierce.

We will support missional efforts in new and exciting ways right here in our neighborhood and to the nations.

We are adding additional staff to give greater oversight in the area’s of children, youth, and music.

We are pursuing financial freedom by erasing the current debt load of $1.3 million.
Give Now


What is a "Capital Campaign?"  
A capital campaign is a targeted fundraising effortthat takes place over a defined period of time.
How much money are we raising?
$1.5 million
Where will the monies raised during this campaign go?
We will erase our building debt of $1.3 million. We will have working capital to launch the next Gospel work of Discovery Church in an area where there is a lack ofGospel presence. All monies marked "Now and Next"will be used strictly for the purpose of this campaign and will not be used to offset the general budget.
Should I redirect my regular giving for the Now andthe Next campaign?
Your commitment to the Now and the Next Campaignshould be separate from your regular tithes and offerings.
What is an "Intention Card?"
The Now and Next Intention card is where you can indicate what you plan to give over the two-year initiative period, with options for how and over what schedule you have prayerfully decided to contribute.This card is vital, informing us of what to expect and how to plan expenditures wisely. Several methods are available (giving online, by check, automatically checking withdrawal, etc.) with options for stocks and non-cash gifts as well. For specific questions about giving methods, please get in touch with us at hello@wearediscovery.com
How long do I have to fulfill my commitment?
This is a two-year campaign.
Can I give a gift of real property?
Yes. For those interested in giving gifts of real property such as land, stock, vehicles, jewelry other than some other type of in-kind gift, please contact our church office at (772) 985-8131
Can I make my commitment if I am unable to attend on Sunday February 2nd, 2025?
Yes, just bring your intention card to the next worship gathering you attend or mail it to our church office at:

Discovery Church
4441 S. 25th Street.
Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Will I be able to change my two-year commitment ifI need to?
Of course! All of us are making the best commitment decision we can make based on what we know. However, unforeseen circumstances may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment in the future. You can ask for another intention card at any time during the 24 months and turn it in as your revised goal!
What is the right amount for me to give, or us to give as a family?
The "right amount" is the amount God places on your heartto give sacrificially. Your commitment is a response in worship. The Apostle Pauls says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that "Whoeversows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sowsgenerously will also reap generously. Each of you should givewhat you have decided in your heart to give. Not reluctantlyor under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
What if I can't afford to give right now?
For the Now and the Next is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity to God's mission in and through Discovery Church.We believe God calls us to give in times of hardship just as he does in times of abundance and what that looks like will be different for every person and family. We trust that God will direct all of us, calling us to surrender our lives completely in the area of giving and see that it is not something that he wants from us, but something that he wants for us. Sacrificial giving may mean being challenged to sell things, cut back in certain areas of spending, or even trusting Godin faith by making a commitment that you don't know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for as you seek. We are asking everyone to be a part of the Now and the Next so we can all support, love, encourage, and pray for one another.